Friday, May 20, 2011

Growing up Fast

In one week, my baby will graduate Kindergarten. I know it's just a simple milestone, but for some reason today it's hitting me hard. In the hustle and bustle of our crazy life, I feel like I haven't done enough! I know we stay busy and do everything for the kids, but we have gotten so involved that we forget to enjoy. I think back and it seems like just yesterday Trace was starting PDO in the 3s class, and now in 1 week he will graduate Kinder. He is soo excited. Tonight he will be getting a "big boy" bed, no more toddler racecar bed (yes, I'm fully aware we have held on to it far too long), and next week he will walk proudly across that stage and except his diploma from Ronald. Don't tell him I said this, but I kinda miss him crying for me every morning, that's probably why I let him sneak in the bed everynight. I know in no time at all he will join Meg in the too big for Mom role...but until then I want to hold him tight, enjoy the snuggles, and savor every sloppy kiss. He is my baby..and he is growing up.

This isn't Trace's 1st day (I couldn't find that pic ;() but this is his 1st PDO Feild Trip. Old McDonald's Farm.

These are just a few pictures I snapped this week for his graduation. He is soo proud and excited!

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