Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring "Break" ???

Today is Wednesday of Spring Break and we haven't really done anything, but try to clean house and get things organized ;(. We had things planned, they have just kind of all fell threw. It's sad, I know this is the only break we will all get for a while. Hopefully the kids will look back on this and just remember that they got to be kids. The got to run and play, go to the Lake with Nanda and Papa and play in the dirt. Run outside and chase butterflies. I hope that when they look back they see that this Spring Break is exactly what we wanted it to be a "Break" from our usual running the roads.
**We are going Friday to the movies with some friends..They are super excited to go watch Diary of a Wimpy Kid and going to eat with a car load of kids. Which will be tons of fun ;)
These pictures are from Meg's 1st Spring Break in Kindergarten. She was 5 and Trace was 3. She had every day of that week planned out and loved every minute of it. These pics were taken at the Museum of Natural Science and at the Butterfly Exhibit. Tons of fun, but very busy! LOL

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Whooo where have I been....

Well it's that time of year again ;)..and I love it!! I know I complain a lot about not having time, or not being at home, or even being rushed. But looking past all that, I am soo grateful my kids get to be active in something they truly enjoy! I love that Ron and I get to be a part of this with them. We are so blessed with the friendships that baseball and softball have brought us and the time we get to spend as a family. This weekend seems like it just flew by, and it did. Everything was fun: Home Run Derby, Games, Cake Auction, even the Concession Stand duty. Blessed is just the best way for me to describe it!! These are a few of the pics from this weekend: hope you enjoy :)
2009 Shetland National All Star Team:
This is where Meg fell in love with tournament play. These All-Star tournaments changed how we spend our weekends, and sadly some of our friendships. We made memories and had tons of fun!!!

2010 10U Heart Breakers
We are loving our little team, and all the dynamics it has. These are our girls for the next 6 weeks, and we are really enjoying meeting there families, and getting to know each girl. They won their 1st game Friday night and did an amazing job!!

Yep, that is Meg playing 10U ball. Yep that is her at 2nd base, and Yep she is just 7 years old. We skipped 8U ball in league this year (she went straight from 6U Tee-ball, to girl pitch). She is doing amazing, and holding her own against the "big girls." I'm so proud of all our little "Select" babies playing with the "big girls." They are all pushing and challenging themselves to play way above all our expectations! Way to go babies!!
Trace 2010 Shetland Storm:
My little man, has a heart and head for ball ;)..I'm soo proud of him!! He was soo excited for his 1st game he could not sleep. Seriously, he came into my room at 12:00 a.m. (his bed time is 8:00) and said "Mom, if thez a runner on 1st and 2nd where is the bag, it's me" He played 3rd base and loved it!! He did great, I'm so happy for him and proud of him!

Playing Airplane:
Saturday, he was a little tired during his game. We had been at the fields all day, and the night before. He loved it, but was exhausted before his game even started. To keep himself awake while playing 1st base, Trace decided to play airplane. It was really cute to me, not so cute to his Dad and Coach Dennis. They still played amazing, and won there 2nd game ;)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nothing Much To Say

Well I don't' have much to say tonight,and I'm trying to get back in the habit of the blog thing. So I have decided I would just share some of my cute pics from the last couple months:

Meghan enjoying the snow 12/2009. If you look are all her "grown" up teeth coming in you will understand why we call her "Snags." She loves her nickname and so do we!!!

Tracer, I just love this pic of my little man! I just love how he is glowing here. It is just soo him, dirty face, camo and just pure boy and I really wouldn't have him any other way!!

Meeting the "Real" Santa Clause..This was one of my most favorite Christmas memories from this year. Meg is at that age where she is beginning to have her doubts. Going to her friends party where the he showed up, with presents, stories, and even sleigh bells was absolutely Magical. I Love that I got to watch that innocence be restored in her little eyes, and that hope fill her little heart. It was amazing!!

Trace's 1st school program. He was sooo excited to be singing Christmas songs with his School friends! I am so proud of this little man!! We truly enjoyed this performance and hopefully tons in the future :)

As a family we love to go to Del Rio every year. This was one of the last afternoons there, and we saw the most amazing sunsets while riding around the ranch with the kids. We just love to go and let the kids enjoy themselves there. They love to ride in the mules and jeeps, feed the animals, visit with Mr Raul, and just explore. It's amazing and def fun!!

These are just a few more of my favorite Del Rio Pics: