Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wow Where I have been....

Geez...I didn't realize I have been gone this long ;(...Actually LaJeania pointed it out a few scrapnights ago lol. Well instead of rehashing the last 7 months...lets just say my days have been full!! Baseball, Softball, volleyball, basketball, School, teaching my 3's class, church, holidays, and the list goes on and on and on.... Let's just say I have been blissfully busy and loving it. I really hope one day I don't look back and regret all that we are doing, but I know the kids will never say they weren't important and that they were "Bored" (or they better not anyway, LOL). Let's just look at Feb..Meg's Xcel volleyball team is in full swing. This weekend will be here 2nd tournament. Trace's basketball is 1/2 way over, he will play his 5th game this weekend, with only 1 more regular game and then his tournament will start after that. Meg is also still playing softball, they practice every Sunday, with her taking private pitching lessons on Monday and Wednesdays. Trace is also practicing with a hit team, he loves it!! but this is just if we have time to squeeze in those practices between everything else. Ronald has changed his classes at church, he now teaches the Jr High class, it's kind of a "Pre-Youth" class, and every week we get to hear how excited he is to watch the kids grow with their love of the Lord. Me, I'm just busy being everyone's glue, with a little crafting/scrapbooking in between. I know that probably sounds weird, but I'm enjoying just watching each of them live, love and grow. I know these moments are precious and fleeting and one day, there wont' be practices or games, or classes or clinics, and then I will SLEEP!!! But until then we are just living it up, messy house and all.

Here are a few pics that I love from the past few months ;)

Meg with her 1st Duck - ever ;)

Meg and Trace looking for "treasures" at the Ranch in Del Rio

Trace getting ready to ride the jeep

One of the kid's Christmas Pics

Meg being silly while I'm trying to get her to pose for a pic

She is very good at giving the "serious" face, while I'm trying to get a "non-school" or sports pictures of her, BRAT!! LOL

Trace looking ever soo cute with the long hair on his 1st grade feild trip to the zoo.

Meg as "Miss DeMeanor" for Halloween

Trace dressed up for 50's Day at school ;)

Trace proud of his pumpkin he carved...with a little help LOL