Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mama..Are you my sister?

Sometimes, children amaze me!! Today while doing some innocent household chores Meg walks in and ask "Mama, is Jesus my brother?"

"Of course he is honey, when you asked God and Jesus into your heart then Jesus became your brother forever in God's eyes." I said.

She then came back with "Well then is Mary my mother, and are you my sister?"

After breifly explaining that yes in God's eyes Mary and I are her sisters, but on Earth she better respect me because I am her mother. It amazes me that even though we have never specifically talked about this, she still picks up on it. My little child, who I am sad to admit has not been to church but once in the last month has some how put this all together on her own. I love that in our house we can have brief loving conversations about God, Jesus, and yes brothers and sisters. I hope we can continue to have this relationship, even through those teenage years I dread so much.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Summer - What Summer??

While deciding what to do this fine summer day, I accidentally started a debate with the kids. I think it's a wonderful idea to stay home, wash clothes, and get some housework done. They however think everyday should be field with a mighty adventure (which I might add does not include Wal-mart and school supply shopping). And right in the middle of the debate it happened. Meg said "I haven't even had a summer yet, just house cleaning and your errands." To avoid an argument, I just didn't reply and pulled the mom card "I'm the mom and we are now staying home!!" But when I think about it, I guess we both just define "Summer" differently. To me summer is a time to sleep late, go to the pool, and just relax. Which if you know us and the summer we have had, then Meg's right we haven't had a summer. To the kids summer is probably a weekly adventure to a water park, zoo, or museum. I don't think either of us is wrong, it's just with everything going on this summer we really haven't had either versions of summer. And now there is only 3 week left to cram everything in. Which is scary, because it's gonna take 3 weeks to get this house in order :}.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Baseball Babies

I'm going to start by telling you a little bit about my two baseball babies I love so much!!

Megss, my perfect little princess. She is the reason I strive soo hard to make things work around here. She is the child that made me a mother, even though I never thought I would be ready. She came into my life on a wish, and has been my constant ever since. Everyday is a test of patience and somehow funny with her around. She rules this house, or at least she tries too, but without her I would be completely lost!!

Tracer, is my little man. He has completed our family in soo many ways, is hard to imagine life without him. He has to be the loudest, craziest, most imaginitive little person I have ever met. When I think of anything boy he defines it. He is my Man, hunter, fisher, and ball player. He will defend me hopefully forever. I know one day he will grow up and decide not to be a moma's boy anymore, but until that day comes I will throughly enjoy him.

These two little people have made my life complete. They are the testers of my patience, and the joy in my heart. Sometimes I feel like I can never measure up to what they need or require, but I will give my everything to them.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gettin Started

Ok, guys I'm new to this. I'm sure you will find tons of misspelled words, and grammatical errors, so please don't judge. Just bear with me as I try to record the events (maybe daily) of our busy crazy lives, in hopes that one day my beautiful children will look back at this and smile or laugh at the crazy things we have done for them :0.