Sunday, December 26, 2010

Flu @ Christmas isn't so sad afterall ;)

Ok, so we had the Flu at Christmas. Usually we are rushing around so fast that we really don't get to enjoy any of it. The kids are usually rushed from one family event to the next, with no time in between enjoy each other or their presents (LOL). But this year we were shut-ins. Trace was diagnosed Friday, Dec 24 with the Flu. So we stayed at home, I dropped him off and ran to grab groceries. We usually would have went to the Shirley's (my in-laws) for the evening, then home for the night to get a quick nap. Santa would come Christmas morning then our presents and packing, then we are on the road for 8 1/2 hours headed toward the Ranch.

This year we got to hang out at the house and be a family. The kids have had 2 good days with their loot. Ron has gotten to learn a few house chores, while I have laid in bed and caught up on some much needed sleep. We still haven't had "Christmas Dinner," that is coming tomorrow. But most of the toys are put away and everything has been played with. Hopefully if I keep improving and the Meg nor Ron comes down with it, we will be Ranch Bound by the end of the week. I love our traditions, but sometimes it seems like we just rush through everything and don't really get to enjoy it. Hopefully, with this little kink in our plans this year, maybe next year we can create our own traditions. Who knows??

My only real bummer is I got no pics of anything, I was feeling too awful to get the camera, but I did get to truly enjoy watching the kids. Sometimes, I think I get so caught up in all the picture taking and tradition following that we forget to just sit back, breath, and take in the moment.

Ron and Trace at his Kindergarten Christmas Party (Thanks Shaunna for sharing ;)

I will post more of Meg..when I am up to finding my camera LOL

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Yesterday was your big 6th birthday!! I am soo excited you are 6 and getting bigger. I love that you still like to sleep in the bed with me and dad, and you are still our baby boy. However, you are starting to grow up in so many ways. There is no more crying to go to school, this year you didn't want to Trick or Treat nor a Birthday Party. This year you have just wanted to go hunting with your daddy and the men. I have known for a while now that this time was coming, but I didn't realize it would this soon. Next week you will go on your 1st big "Men" hunt. You are soooo excited, Daddy is excited, Meg is ready to go shopping, Me I'm kinda sad. I love having you here with me while everyone is gone. I like snuggling in the bed, and just being "Us". But I'm really excited you are turning into a wonderful young man!! I'm so proud of who you are going to become!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

How did that happen??? LOL

Ok, so I'm sitting here wondering how one thing leads to another around here...

1st Example: Saturday... We got up early like usual and headed to a ball park (Sta-Mo YUCK! a post for another day). Got to watch Trace play in his 1st Regional All Star Tournament and of course we were very proud parents. But somehow between Sta-Mo and home, we were talked into going Coon hunting in the River Bottoms...Really how did that happen? And Secondly how did I get thrown in this equation??? I don't like normal hunting little lone Coon hunting. While sitting on the mule at 12:30 A.M., all I could think was HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??? How did I get moved from the comfort of the couch with Lexi (the new puppy) and put in the middle of the dark woods with a spotting light.

2ND Example: Next Sunday...We are planning Meg's Slumber Party. Which is technically her Birthday Party...Which was technically June 26, but since Trace had a tournament we postponed it until All Star are over. All Stars ended Saturday, the guest list was delivered Sunday ;). Originally it was a couple friends and a sleepover at home. Now it's 11 girls, a mom or 2, Dad, Trace, Kristin...and really who ever else wants to come down to the Lodge and hang with us. I'm not complaining, Lord knows I'm a "More the Merrier" kind of lady. But jeez this is kinda scaring me LOL.

I know how this one and most things happen around here...Meg couldn't leave this friend out, or this one, or this one, or how about this one LOL... I know all of the girls will have a total blast and it's hard to tell them NO, which in turn is how it all happens at my house. So I guess, instead of just sitting here rambling, I just need to put my big girl pants on and enjoy it. I know Trace had a blast Coon hunting, and I really can't wait to hear all the fun Meg will have all night long Monday night ;).

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16...We had no idea what we were getting into ;)

8 Years ago today we were awaiting the arrival of Megs. Little did we know then how our lives would change!! I remember our friends taking us out to eat for our "Last Meal," we had baby showers, and lots of advice. But nothing, and I mean nothing could prepare us for the Wonderful Joys she has brought us. We should have know then, when she was 10 Days, yep 10 Days late!!! She would do things on her own time and terms.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bluebonnets ;)

Oh and while we were up in the College Station/Plantersville area we decided to take advantage of the beautiful landscape. The kids, were totally embarrassed I made them take pics on the side of the road. But hey isn't that part of the job :) Hope you enjoy!!!

A Road Trip and New Dreams

2010 8U Ball Hawgz

Sunday we took Meg's team the Ball Hawgz to watch an Aggies Softball game. It was AMAZING!! Eight of the 10 players got to go. Ronald and I planned the trip with the hopes that girls would really enjoy the game and have fun. But we really got a lot more from it than we ever expected ;). First off, the girls had no idea they were going, they thought we were playing a Sunday tournament. We all showed up at our meeting spot to break the news. Six out of the 7 there were very excited to go, that left Meg who was upset about not playing, LOL. She just couldn't believe we weren't playing a game but soon got over it when we turned into the A & M campus. They were in awe at everything!!! Watching the Aggie players warming up, doing batting drills, and the entire game. They learned some new cheers and just really got to watch an awesome game. The Aggies fell a little short on the score board Sunday, but in our little girl's hearts they scored big.

Meg & Trace getting an Autograph

After the game, we waited outside of the clubhouse and got all there autographs. The Aggie Softball team was amazing!! They just lost, got a serious talking too from their coach, but when they walked out those doors they were all smiles for our girls. The signed balls and posters for each of our girls. They talked to them and encouraged them. It was awesome and still gives me chill bumps to just think about it.

Meg and Bailey

This little road trip we took our girls on opened there eyes to soo many things. On the way home Shelby, one of the players that went with us. Asked "Do you think I could be an Aggie one day?" "Of course You CAN!!" is what Ron and I both said to her. We went with the hopes that the girls would just have a fun day watching a game they all love. But I think we came home with some girls having new bigger dreams ;)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring "Break" ???

Today is Wednesday of Spring Break and we haven't really done anything, but try to clean house and get things organized ;(. We had things planned, they have just kind of all fell threw. It's sad, I know this is the only break we will all get for a while. Hopefully the kids will look back on this and just remember that they got to be kids. The got to run and play, go to the Lake with Nanda and Papa and play in the dirt. Run outside and chase butterflies. I hope that when they look back they see that this Spring Break is exactly what we wanted it to be a "Break" from our usual running the roads.
**We are going Friday to the movies with some friends..They are super excited to go watch Diary of a Wimpy Kid and going to eat with a car load of kids. Which will be tons of fun ;)
These pictures are from Meg's 1st Spring Break in Kindergarten. She was 5 and Trace was 3. She had every day of that week planned out and loved every minute of it. These pics were taken at the Museum of Natural Science and at the Butterfly Exhibit. Tons of fun, but very busy! LOL

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Whooo where have I been....

Well it's that time of year again ;)..and I love it!! I know I complain a lot about not having time, or not being at home, or even being rushed. But looking past all that, I am soo grateful my kids get to be active in something they truly enjoy! I love that Ron and I get to be a part of this with them. We are so blessed with the friendships that baseball and softball have brought us and the time we get to spend as a family. This weekend seems like it just flew by, and it did. Everything was fun: Home Run Derby, Games, Cake Auction, even the Concession Stand duty. Blessed is just the best way for me to describe it!! These are a few of the pics from this weekend: hope you enjoy :)
2009 Shetland National All Star Team:
This is where Meg fell in love with tournament play. These All-Star tournaments changed how we spend our weekends, and sadly some of our friendships. We made memories and had tons of fun!!!

2010 10U Heart Breakers
We are loving our little team, and all the dynamics it has. These are our girls for the next 6 weeks, and we are really enjoying meeting there families, and getting to know each girl. They won their 1st game Friday night and did an amazing job!!

Yep, that is Meg playing 10U ball. Yep that is her at 2nd base, and Yep she is just 7 years old. We skipped 8U ball in league this year (she went straight from 6U Tee-ball, to girl pitch). She is doing amazing, and holding her own against the "big girls." I'm so proud of all our little "Select" babies playing with the "big girls." They are all pushing and challenging themselves to play way above all our expectations! Way to go babies!!
Trace 2010 Shetland Storm:
My little man, has a heart and head for ball ;)..I'm soo proud of him!! He was soo excited for his 1st game he could not sleep. Seriously, he came into my room at 12:00 a.m. (his bed time is 8:00) and said "Mom, if thez a runner on 1st and 2nd where is the bag, it's me" He played 3rd base and loved it!! He did great, I'm so happy for him and proud of him!

Playing Airplane:
Saturday, he was a little tired during his game. We had been at the fields all day, and the night before. He loved it, but was exhausted before his game even started. To keep himself awake while playing 1st base, Trace decided to play airplane. It was really cute to me, not so cute to his Dad and Coach Dennis. They still played amazing, and won there 2nd game ;)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nothing Much To Say

Well I don't' have much to say tonight,and I'm trying to get back in the habit of the blog thing. So I have decided I would just share some of my cute pics from the last couple months:

Meghan enjoying the snow 12/2009. If you look are all her "grown" up teeth coming in you will understand why we call her "Snags." She loves her nickname and so do we!!!

Tracer, I just love this pic of my little man! I just love how he is glowing here. It is just soo him, dirty face, camo and just pure boy and I really wouldn't have him any other way!!

Meeting the "Real" Santa Clause..This was one of my most favorite Christmas memories from this year. Meg is at that age where she is beginning to have her doubts. Going to her friends party where the he showed up, with presents, stories, and even sleigh bells was absolutely Magical. I Love that I got to watch that innocence be restored in her little eyes, and that hope fill her little heart. It was amazing!!

Trace's 1st school program. He was sooo excited to be singing Christmas songs with his School friends! I am so proud of this little man!! We truly enjoyed this performance and hopefully tons in the future :)

As a family we love to go to Del Rio every year. This was one of the last afternoons there, and we saw the most amazing sunsets while riding around the ranch with the kids. We just love to go and let the kids enjoy themselves there. They love to ride in the mules and jeeps, feed the animals, visit with Mr Raul, and just explore. It's amazing and def fun!!

These are just a few more of my favorite Del Rio Pics:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Better than cleaning this house!! Just dont' tell the husband ;)

Geez, I haven't blogged in quite a while. It's really sad how fast time goes and you loose track of things. Kinda like cleaning this house. If Ron new this is what I am doing he would die, LOL.. But I do promise as soon as I'm finished I will get some serious house work done!! So much has happened since my last visit to my blog. But I'm not going to dwell on the past, LOL. I'm gonna try to get caught up on this housework and Blog.

So with that said, I'm just gonna give you a quick list of things that has happened since August 2009:
  • I got a job ;0 teaching 2 year old at a pre-school in town. I LOVE it!! It's part time, I still don't miss anything that goes on with Meg and I'm with Trace. It's kinda perfect for me (just wish it paid more, but hey life isn't perfect).
  • Meg joined a Select Softball Team. Ron is one of the coaches and I'm the dugout Mom. She loves it!! We are really having fun watching her improve and having fun!!
  • Trace turned 5!! OMG, can you believe that my baby is 5!! He starts school next year, what will I do with out him in my hip pocket or on one of my hips all day ;). I will so miss snuggling with him every morning.
  • Ron is now the VP of the School Board. Yepp for all of those (including me) who never would think he would like something like this he is the VP. And he loves it!! I'm so proud of the man he has became, he is so selfless and very dedicated to his many duties.

Ok, these are just a few of the high points, there many more. I will def work on doing this more in 2010. I know one day my kids will enoy this. I know I need to take more time in recording what is going on with us...:) Well I better get back to the housework!

Hope everyone has a very Blessed Day!!